Tennis camps in Spain
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Tennis programs in Spain: payment

How to do the payments

Payment Methods to register at the Tennis Summer Camp

The total payment for the tennis programs must be in Euros and at least 6 weeks before the beginning of the Tennis Summer Camp. In all cases, the exact amount of the invoice must arrive at ZADOR, Spanish school. However the assignment of the places will be carried out according to the order of reception of the registration forms and the total payments.

By Bank Transfer
(Please, remember you must pay all the bank charges. Send us a copy of payment and indicate the student’s name and the date of the Program).
You will be supplied with all the Bank details.

By Postal payment like Western Union to ZADOR Alicante Servicios Lingüísticos S. L.

By Credit Card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Eurocard): Please fill the Authorization form in, and send it with a copy of your passport and a copy of the card by fax or email. You have to send a separate authorization for each payment you make. To pay by credit card, you must add a 3.5% of the deposit or of the total invoice amount.

TENNIS camp for teenagers

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TENNIS camp for kids

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TENNIS lessons for adults

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News from the tennis camp 2018
Do you want more information?


You can call us from Monday to Friday (10:00 to 13:30 and 16:00 to 20:00):
+ 34 965 142 371
send us an email to




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